
Chronicling the books we read to our children (and perhaps the books they read themselves). Can we read 500 before they turn 12? Only time will tell.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Read to Jaymie and Julia, Feb. 17, 2005

I ended up reading to both Jaymie and Julia together.

Julia picked The Shiny Skates by Elizabeth Koda-Callan. It's another of those Magic Locket/Silver Slippers stories that comes with a little necklace and a story about the importance of believing in yourself. It's a cheap merchandising trick, but better executed than most. I actually don't mind reading these. This was a Christmas present.

I picked Horton Hatches the Egg by Dr. Seuss. I've noticed that Julia hasn't heard many of the Dr. Seuss books, so I picked up a few at the library this week. I loved this book as a kid, and it retains its charm even now for me.

Jaymie finished reading Stowaway to the Mushroom Planet by Eleanor Cameron today.


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